Thursday, January 25, 2018

I Googled: " White Lipstick on Dark Skin"

Before planning a new photoshoot I always google different looks and styles to find direction and inspiration on how I want to look in my photos. I knew that I wanted to challenge myself in a way that was out of the box and extreme -- even for a girl like me (which isn't far fetch). I googled "White Lipstick on Dark Skin" to my disbelief, only two women of color in the search results of hundreds of images.

I contemplated for days on how I could make this "Look good".

  • Should I wear all white?
  • Should I wear big hoop earrings?
  • Do I add a pop color for character?

  • After hitting a brick wall with no ideas around I backed down, regrouped and went in different direction. However comma I was still unhappy.  Back to square one I told myself " White Lipstick you will not defeat me today".

    Then this happened.........
    This past year I've learned that being alone isn't so bad. Sometimes you have to walk alone for a little while to find out exactly who you are and what you stand for. Wearing white lipstick is just a way for me to show the world that there aren't any boundaries in the world of lipstick.
    Why should there be a list of shades that we shouldn't try because we're Women of Color and blessed with melanin..
    Guess what.... it's 2018 those day are long gone. This Lipstick Blogger will never be in a box. So please don't expect for me to follow the so called rules in this "Game", I promise to disappoint you.
    Just in case you're wondering where I found this White Lipstick it's the one and only Jeffree Star Velour Liquid Lipstick - Drug Lord. He makes is easy to grab those out of the box colors. 
    Life is way too short to no do something as simple as put lipstick on your lips. As for this girl, if it's not on google when I search for it.  I'll be kind enough to add it that.

    Product Review: Coloured Raine Matte Liquid Lipsticks

    Can you say, "Long Overdue"? Yes this Review is Lonnnnnng Overdue. I started rocking with Coloured Raine back in May 2016. Yes it...