Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Carry a Clutch with a Purpose: Kashmir.VIII

I'm unsure if you've noticed but I have an unique style when it comes to Fashion. I like what I like.... period.  I dress how I'm feeling at the time, it doesn't have to be what most consider "Trending" it just has to catch my eye and I'll rock it till the wheels or let's say the treads fall out.

Attention all my 80's and a few early 90's babies, if you haven't seen Kashmir.VIII products you have totally been missing out on what's hot.

Kashmir.VIII has blessed the world with her priceless art on T-shirts, Clutches, Totes, Notebooks, Printings, Mugs, Shower Curtains and much More.  What's unique about it is that she gave us the opportunity enjoy.

Her clutch collection has truly added flavor to my world, heart and swag.

You can't tell me that I'm not all of that and bag of chips when I'm sporting one of these babies.
Let me show you which ones I have.

Photo Credit: Google Search

 The Cosby Show
Photo Credit: Google Search

Malcom X/ Muhammad Ali

Photo Credit: Google Search

Next on my List:

Lebron James 
"... And the Home of the..."
Coming to America
Master Blaster

Product Review: Coloured Raine Matte Liquid Lipsticks

Can you say, "Long Overdue"? Yes this Review is Lonnnnnng Overdue. I started rocking with Coloured Raine back in May 2016. Yes it...