This review is long, long, longgggggggg over due!!! Please note: I've been straddling the fence about these Lippies for a while. Let's just say it was a love/hate type of situation.
Anyone that knows me well, knows that
I Love MAC Cosmetics -- Period. I am
a die hard, it will always be my first choice, faithful MAC lover.
2015 was the mighty year that Liquid Lipsticks showed up on the scene. Every company brought us their spin on this long lasting lipstick. I can remember wondering when would MAC join the game. Thankfully, there were fashionably late January 7, 2016, however the shade line up made it worth the wait.
Let's take a look at these babies!!!!!
A few days after they launched, I picked out the four colors in the lineup that I felt were
brown girl friendly. Please note that 1 of the 4
(Recollection) was sold out, that left me 3. 2 out of the 3 I had left were on backorder (
Oh, Lady and
Dance with Me), meaning only high drama shipped out to me. I was kinda hurt, but thank God I have a MAC Counter around the corner from my house. The objective was to swatch the shades I ordered and one that a friend wanted to see. This was quite simple right?...Not quite.
After swatching the lippies on the back of my hand, I went to
Bath and Body Works to pick up a few items. While at the
white top counter purchasing my items, I looked down and you won't believe what I saw.
Lipstick all over their counter. I was so
The clerk said, "No worries hunny, we will clean it off". I went to the sink and did my best to wash it off, but without a makeup wipe handy it didn't work the lipstick was still on my hand. Yeah, we started off on a bad note, however because I'm loyal to MAC I did not hold that against them. Despite the occasional flaking, I still continued to wear my lippies.
One day I went to the MAC store in Atlanta, GA and the most helpful MAC makeup artist I've meet so far gave me a tip for life. She told me to use
MAC Prep + Prime Lip Base underneath these Liquid Babies.

Let's just say, this girl knows her stuff. I've have been rocking these joints almost everyday. They are quickly moving up my lippie list.
Dance with me
High Drama
Oh, Lady
Although we had a rough start, I definitely recommend these lippies. MAC you have something good here, when you use the Prep + Prime.
As always thanks for reading -- What's your lippie today?