Sunday, June 19, 2016

2,500 Blog Views Today

Thank You to everyone who reads my Blog.... Words can't explain how I feel to reach 2,500 Blog View!!!!! It may seem small to some but it means the world to me...I love you all!!!!!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

My Lippie Collection: Blues, Purples, and Browns

Can you believe this girl has over 40 Lipsticks now???
 I had to purchase a new lipstick holder to hold the overage.

Just know I have mixed feelings about it.  One half of me is excited about my collection growing. The Second half of me is worried that they are just sitting and I'm not doing anything with them.  Thus, I've decided to share and swatch my whole collection and one day soon I will start my review videos. 






As always thanks for reading -- What's your lippie today?

Saturday, June 4, 2016

The answer to that question I'm always asked about lipsticks

Today is the day that I decided to answer that ONE question that I'm always asked about ME & LIPSTICKS!!!!!!

Girl, Why you always wearing them ---







1. It's My Alter Ego:
A special friend said to me recently. " I love your look and all them lipsticks, it's like it's your Alter Ego" -- @mysisterlockjourney. Just know at that moment a light blub came on in my head.  Before she told me that I really didn't have a clue why I enjoyed wearing  bold & bright Lippies. It was just always "Something" about them that work for me. Not easy to explain, but let's see how I do.

Aboni Cosmetics - Liquid Lipstick Safari

2. Favorite Colors in the World:
I'm learning that it doesn't help, that blue and green are my favorite colors.  I sort of look at
them as a pair.  Not even realizing it, I always gravitate to the two.  All shades of Blue....All shades of Green.
Makeup Monsters Matte Liquid Lipstick - G.I. Jane

Makeup Monsters Matte Liquid Lipstick - Backlash

Even if my God-daughter feels I look like (she says Nook Nike) a Bird. 
Left to Right: God-Daughter Ray, BFF, Me
Side Bar: We (Me, my husband, son, BFF, BFF husband, and BFF daughter/my God-daughter) were out at dinner one night.  She said very low and under her breathe "Mrs. Kenya  Nook Nike a Bird". Her mom asked her "What did you say?". She said again getting louder every time. "Mrs. Kenya  Nook Nike a Bird", "Mrs. Kenya  Nook Nike a Bird", "Mrs. Kenya  Nook Nike a Birdddddddddddd!!!!!!!!". I was so embarrassed. Even a baby who was too small to speak stared at me twice. We laughed, however that gave me a complex about that blue lippie.

"Mrs. Kenya  Nook Nike a Bird"
A few days later I met them at Wal-Mart. While shopping she pointed at a chip clip of a bird with a blue mouth. I said to myself, "Maybe I did Nook Nike a Bird".
3. To Inspire Women to Embrace Lipsticks
So....One day I woke up a said " I want to be Blogger" meaning a writer that writes about whatever's on their heart (my definition of a blogger). What should I write about I asked my self.  It came to me plain as day-- "Lipsticks, Lippies, and everything above, in-between, and below", if the makes and sense.

Makeup Monsters Matte Liquid Lipstick - G.I. Jane
Along my Photography/Blogger Journey I realized in order to inspire someone I would have allow myself to go to the extreme with my choice of lipstick shades. Meaning if I can wear Greens, Blues, or Black, that means that a woman who may desire to wear lipsticks, but is afraid or self conscious about them can look at me and say " If  What's that Lippie? can wear those exotic shades, hell I can wear a conservative shade and pull it off." Yes, that's exactly how the lipstick inspiring goes. 
Jeffree Star Velour Liquid Lipstick Dirty Money
Aboni Cosmetics - Liquid Lipstick Safari

Jeffree Star Velour Liquid Lipstick Blue Velvet
I said all of the above to say. Life is too short not to live out the desires of your heart.  I love lipsticks and I feel like wearing them everyday makes me a happier person on this earth.  When you find your true passion, you always have to put your all into it.  Two years ago you couldn't have told me that I would be so crazy about what I do. 

Jeffree Star Velour Liquid Lipstick Blue Velvet
It moves my heart when someone that I know didn't wear lippies start to embrace them. At that time, I know that what I'm doing is working and it inspires me to keep going. Thank you to all my blog  readers,  Instagram and Facebook followers, and everyone that I met along the way.  I'm grateful for all your support and kind words.

Jeffree Star Velour Liquid Lipstick Mistletoe
Makeup Monsters Matte Liquid Lipstick - Heavy Artillery
Please feel free to contact me if you need guidance choosing Lipsticks. It's what I do best. I will make sure that I choose a shade that will add some flavor to your style.
Contact Information:
Instagram: whatsthatlippie
Facebook: What's that Lippie?
Periscope: whatsthatlippie
Snapchat: whatsthatlippie
Aboni Cosmetics - Liquid Lipstick Frenchy

As always thanks for reading -- What's your lippie today?

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Birthday Fun: 33 Looks even better on me!!!!!!

This year has been a great one for me. I started this blog January 3rd and it's has been wonderful.  Inspiring women to embrace lipsticks has really gave me a happiest that is unexplainable.  It moves my heart when I find out that she now enjoys lipstick because of me. That's works for me.  "What's that Lippie" had embodied my heart and I am all that is lips, lipstick, and beauty. 

My First Blog Post

I wanted to do something DIVA, different, and definitely special for my 33rd birthday. I love African and Ankara Fashions.  Why not get with my mom and create one last clothing masterpiece.  I'm a very picky and detailed individual .  For this piece I knew that it had to have a pussy bow and and flowing skirt, 3/4 sleeve.  That "I'm a Classy Woman" look is what I was going for. Let's see how I did.....

My Birthday Cake

You only turn 33 once. I wanted to make sure I created an unforgettable - life lasting memory of these double three's.  

My 33rd Birthday Video

Oh!!!! I almost forgot. My Birthday Lippie was a combination of  Jeffree Star's Velour Liquid Lipstick Red Rum and Unicorn Blood 

Product Review: Coloured Raine Matte Liquid Lipsticks

Can you say, "Long Overdue"? Yes this Review is Lonnnnnng Overdue. I started rocking with Coloured Raine back in May 2016. Yes it...