Sunday, January 3, 2016

If you could be any color bride what color would you choose?

Unfortunately I'm a person who's always thinking out of the box. One thing I can say about all of Jeffree Stars Velour Liquid Lipsticks are OUT OF THE BOX!! I can imagine when he created his formula and product shades he thought about everyone. He created shades in a range that would please the conservatives to the extreme bold lipstick wearers and everything in-between. Jeffree Star, Sir you got it right!!!! 

My favorite color is green. When I first laid eyes on his Holiday Collection-Mistletoe Lipstick it was love and must review at first site. I had to find an unique way to express how I felt about this green lipstick. Many would shy away or frowned at the thought of me wearing green lipstick, however I knew that everyone loves a bride, no matter what color you are in, a bride is elegant either way. So I'm the green bride with my green veil and green lipstick . Please understand I wouldn't have it any other way. 

A few of my cute faces!

Jeffree Star Velour Liquid Lipstick-Mistletoe


Product Review: Coloured Raine Matte Liquid Lipsticks

Can you say, "Long Overdue"? Yes this Review is Lonnnnnng Overdue. I started rocking with Coloured Raine back in May 2016. Yes it...