Sunday, January 3, 2016

What is "What that lippie?"

I love lipsticks!!!!!! It's weird that it took me years to find a cosmetic item that I couldn't live without. Most people fall in love with mascara and eyeliners, but I was never good at applying the two. After many times of sticking myself in the eyes or not being able to control my shaking hands I realized that I had to find something that worked for me.  In 2011 I began my Sisterlock journey and give myself a five year goal of becoming a Natural Hair Model. I knew that I would have to master makeup, so I took on the challenge. I started with mastering eyebrow application and next thing I knew I was a YouTube junkie studying makeup when I couldn't sleep at night. One year later I learned that I had a passion for educating and inspiring women to embrace the art of makeup. Often times I'm asked "What lipstick are you wearing?" hints came the name, What's that lippie?. I'm honored to share my knowledge of lipsticks and cosmetics to anyone who wants to listen, why not pass it on? So blog world, I'm here .....ready to write.......

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Product Review: Coloured Raine Matte Liquid Lipsticks

Can you say, "Long Overdue"? Yes this Review is Lonnnnnng Overdue. I started rocking with Coloured Raine back in May 2016. Yes it...